Explore our Newsletters as we discuss how we're exceeding expectations, pushing boundaries, and delivering exceptional Aluminium structures across the country.
Aluminium vs Steel: Battle of the metals: steel and aluminium go toe to toe
From its initial discovery in 1824 by Danish chemist and physicist Hans Christian Ørsted (who is also credited with discovering electromagnetism), aluminium has been used in electrical components, construction materials, historic monuments and even airplane fuselages. Once a more precious metal than gold, aluminium has long been seen as a premium, quality product. From the...
Monkeytoe. The only end-to-end solution.
Often, we see access and mounting projects being completed using old fashioned designs and thought patterns.  It’s time for a change. When Monkeytoe is invited to submit a price for an access system that has already been designed, we then price (and win) the project based on our own innovative custom design, meaning in essence...
The Ginger’s on us!
Long before tumeric lattes and Ed Sheeran, ginger was widely believed to be the cure for just about any ailment – from tummy ache, to (you guessed it) heart ache. So what better way to introduce our new tagline ‘Everything Better’, than with the original source of making everything better. Crafted from the ground up...
Silver, the new green
Aluminium’s application in building took off in the 1950s, but it has far older roots. Famously, the church dome of San Gioacchino in Rome was clad in aluminium sheeting in 1898, and in 1931 the Empire State Building in New York became the first building to use anodised aluminium components. Here are some important factors...
How does a Monkeytoe system perform in earthquakes?
I was woken in the night and began to feel a little disconcerted when it was still shaking the house after a couple of minutes. Of course, the whole family was soon awake and up, and we didn’t get much sleep that night as aftershocks hit. When the ground below you and the building around...
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