Burwood Hospital


  • Walkways
  • Ladders



  • Healthcare/Hospitals 

Burwood Hospital is the largest government rebuild project in east Christchurch. It was fast-tracked through the business case approvals process, shaving approximately 18 months from the usual time it takes to build a new hospital. The $215 million facility, which covers 32,000 sqm, was opened in August 2016.

Monkeytoe provided a series of roof access systems across different substrates and varying heights. A handrail system along the walkways provides quick and safe access without the need for safety lines.

The retrofitting of access systems around an internal vent system could have proved problematic were it not for the lightweight Monkeytoe walkways, which were easily lifted into place and assembled around a complex system of pipes and ducts. The open mesh also meant that the new additions didn’t interfere with the existing sprinkler system.