Monkeytoe XBEAM is a key to a revolutionary configurable aluminium beam system that is part of our Modular XBEAM platform system.
XBeam is made from a combination of 2 technologies: carbon fibre-reinforced polymers, and High Tensile T6 Aluminium. Carbon fibre’s strength as a material comes down to the nature of the composite. The ability to tailor the direction of the carbon fibres means it can yield stiffness 20 times greater than a metal baseline. That means carbon fibre structures can span further distances and support greater weights while also weighing less –opening doors for greater designs. This is also suitable for other external long-span high load applications where Steel “I beams” are used.

Greater than the sum of it’s parts.
XBeam is made from the combination of 2 technologies, carbon fibre-reinforced polymers and High Tensile T6 Aluminium. Carbon fibre’s strength as a material comes down to the nature of the composite. The ability to tailor the direction of the carbon fibres means it can yield stiffness 20 times greater than a metal baseline. That means carbon fibre structures can span further distances and support greater weights while also weighing less – opening doors for greater designs.
XBEAM Structural Plant Platform
A configurable aluminium beam system utilised in a modular XBEAM platform system.


No Backstays!
Unpacking XBEAM
Which fixing is best for my roof?
Check out this video which unpacks the Xbeam system…
Click on the below download for a quick guide of which fixing to use on which roofing profile/type
No screening backstays means that you gain approx. 600mm of extra serviceable platform area, or it can allow you to reduce the overall platform size.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you also take care of the waterproofing detail of the roof penetration?
Monkeytoe supplies the appropriately sized Dektite boot with our Stub leg kits, which should be installed by the main roofing contractor at the time of roof install. This typically means that the leg stubs are installed before the roof itself. On a retrofit project, if there is an existing roofing contractor then we recommend they be engaged to install the boots. If there are no roofers currently on the job then Monkeytoe can engage one for you.
Do the penetrations through the roof require a flashing detail?
Is the Xbeam a watertight unit?
Are there any concerns about dissimilar metals at hub portal connections, such as between zinc bolts, aluminium structures and steel beams? Are there any risks of galvanic corrosion?
In short, no. Where these connections are made inside a building, there are no concerns. For galvanic corrosion to occur, an electrolyte must be present to complete the electrical circuit. This should not be happening inside a building often enough for corrosion to happen. As an added precaution, however, Monkeytoe recommend using a lanolin moisture/corrosion inhibitor spray at the time of install to prevent any moisture from being trapped during construction. We have chosen zinc bolts for this application as they are more compatible with aluminium than galvanised fasteners are, and they maintain compatibility with the steel structure. Where this connection occurs in a weather-exposed area, isolation will be provided between all dissimilar metals to mitigate and prevent corrosion. This will typically be a thin rubber or hard plastic layer, but in some situations a specialised coating may be used.
Does Monkeytoe engineer and certify from portal up?
This is covered by a combination of physical testing as per AS/NZ 1170.0 Appendix B, as well as reference to the European composites code where applicable.
Where and how is carbon fibre incorporated into the Xbeam?
What testing has been completed for structural integrity in fire situations?
Is the XBEAM unit watertight?
While the Xbeam is watertight along the main length, the end caps aren’t a sealed fit. We are now looking at making the entire beams watertight by using a waterproofing foam in the ends of the cavities before installing the end caps.
Do you have the Fire resistance properties of these beams, such as the FLR Ratings?
How did we go about getting the capacities from the Xbeam? Was this through testing?

Uniformly distributed deUniformly distributed design load capacity (kN/M) with simply supported conditions + full lateral restraint.
(*Bold line indicates difference between shear and bending failure mode.)sign load capacity (kN/M) with simply supported conditions + full lateral restraint.
Uniformly distributed design load capacity (kN/M) for L/250 deflection. Simply supported conditions + full lateral restraint.
(*Values under bold line do not reach deflection limit prior to shear/bending failure.)
Uniformly distributed design load capacity (kN/M) for L/300 deflection. Simply supported conditions + full lateral restraint.
(*Values under bold line do not reach deflection limit prior to shear/bending failure.)
Design moment capacity (kN/M) without lateral restraint.
The Xbeam is highly configurable whereby the carbon fibre quantities can be altered depending on loading requirements. There are currently three main beam height options.
Aluminium vs Steel The Ultimate Showdown
Aluminium has long been seen as a premium, quality product but now its versatility is really being realised. At Monkeytoe, we’re passionate about encouraging ‘Construction Influencers’ to look at the whole picture when it comes to construction, and it’s in this context that aluminium’s true benefits shine.
Physical/Practical load testing of roofing clips witnessed by independent engineers
• Physical in-situ acoustic testing conducted by Norman Disney & Young Consultants.
• Structural design certificate signed off by certified Australian engineer
• ABCB NCC 2019
• AS 1657
• AS/NZS 11170.0 General Principles
• AS/NZS 1170.1 Permanent , Imposed and other actions
• AS/NZS 1170.2 Wind Actions
• AS/NZS 1170.4 Earthquake actions in Australia

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