Bridging The Gap: Bridges, Stairs and Custom Access
At the cornerstone of our work is access: the bridges, stairs, walkways, and custom designed solutions that don’t just get you from A to B, but also stand the test of time, look great, perform better and are developed to meet your unique needs.

It’s no wonder that we love to explore.  We’ve got some incredible places around us, and it’s a privilege and a pleasure to be able to experience them across the generations.  We’ve spoken previously about driving our solutions to make life easier for our clients; it’s spurred on the likes of the XBEAM, our market-leading aluminium products and world-class service, and our custom design process.

That’s what this ebook is about.  First of all, let’s set up some working definitions. When we talk about bridges, we mean an access solution that only has support at each end. And throughout this ebook, we
aren’t going to be talking about bridges in the sense of roading, either; we’re thinking about foot traffic in industry, warehousing, architecture, or construction.  If the access solution looks like a bridge but is
supported throughout the length – suspended from above or by members to the ground below – then we call that a walkway.

Bridges and walkways can take many forms, however. We consider our solution for Mairangi Bay (which we’ll explore later) to be a bridge, even though it has stairs. In any case, the section on stairs is where we look at how we divide big vertical distances into smaller ones and how they help get you access when you need it.

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