Quarter 1, 2024

Monkeytoe Newsletter

Welcome to the thick of 2024.


With the year fully underway now, it feels like fresh new challenges – or rather, opportunities – are flying in every direction.

But let’s be honest: that’s always been the case. More importantly, what year hasn’t asked us to rise to the challenge? What season hasn’t asked us to innovate, build better, and think ambitiously?

Ever since Monkeytoe started, back in 2006 – and even before then, in 1990, when Tim Prestidge set out on his own to start a mobile engineering company – we’ve wanted to do things a bit differently. We’ve had to know the foundations before we could build on them – we’ve stood on the shoulders of giants, to paraphrase that great brain Isaac Newton, and been able to see further as a result.

Tim started with steel welding; we’ve worked on I-beams and iron bars; we cut our teeth on aluminium before creating new extrusions. We understand how it’s been traditionally done. And we know how to challenge that. We’ve evolved to meet the market, and pushed its edges a little wider.

Our spirit of innovation is woven into every part of what we do. Because the perfect solution hasn’t been invented yet – and it’s up to us to get a bit closer.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at what’s in this quarter’s update. While we’ve got the usual blend of good news and insights, we also thought it would be worthwhile to do a deeper dive into the three interconnected divisions of Monkeytoe: Wholesale & Resellers, Construction, and Bridges, and the people leading the charge. Plus we’ve got a link to a video about the history of Monkeytoe, and some good news in the mix.


Check it out.


A Brief History of Monkeytoe

In 2022 alone, Monkeytoe used around 1.4 million kgs of aluminium for extrusions and plates to be used in bridges, stairs, mounts, and other industrial structures.

But it’s been a long journey to get there – one that started way back in 1990, when a restless 24-year-old, tired of working for others, struck out on his own and founded a mobile engineering company. And then another big move, in 2006, when the team pioneered an innovative roofing clip system – the first Monkeytoe.

We’re often asked how Monkeytoe came about – so we made a video about just that. Check out this short film we’ve made, and discover our history of innovation and going beyond.







Charity Day: Heart Foundation 2024

Around 175,000 people are currently living with heart disease in Aotearoa New Zealand, and it’s responsible for one in three deaths. That’s why the good sorts at Heart Foundation have been working since 1968 to help save lives and ensure people are healthier for longer.


In March, the Monkeytoe team brought their wackiest red hat to work and purchased cupcakes to raise money for the Heart Foundation – raising a total of $1400 for a very worthy cause.


If you’d like to help fund vital heart research and save lives by supporting heart research, then follow the link and donate to the Big Heart Appeal. https://lnkd.in/deiH2g8n







Mark Mismash Leads Monkeytoe Design into a Promising Future


In the dynamic world of design and construction, finding the right leader is no small feat. With a background deeply rooted in both engineering and architecture, the recently appointed Design Director at Monkeytoe, Mark Mismash, brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to his new role.

“I started in engineering, then moved to architecture,” Mark explains, reflecting on his journey. “I’ve had the privilege of working in various capacities, from general management to education and complex problem-solving roles.” He’s also served in the US Marines too – something that’s made clear the importance of mentorship and education in fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Throughout his career, Mark has tackled complex challenges head-on, whether it’s rescuing troubled projects or spearheading innovative solutions. His tenure at previous firms like Hampton Jones and GHD saw him leading teams through intricate remediation projects and construction site management, earning him a reputation as a problem solver and a proactive leader.

Mark saw an opportunity to transition into a leadership role that aligned with his aspirations, and his familiarity with Monkeytoe’s products from his architectural background further solidified his interest in joining the team. Transitioning into Monkeytoe, Mark finds himself in a refreshing environment where functionality meets camaraderie. “Coming to a place that’s functional is rewarding,” he laughs, contrasting it with previous experiences marked by chaos and blame-shifting. At Monkeytoe, the emphasis is on problem-solving and collaboration, fostering a culture of positivity and resilience.

When asked about the future of Monkeytoe and our design team, Mark emphasises the importance of building and nurturing the design, drafting, and engineering teams, and working within the dynamic environment of Monkeytoe. “I’m not setting my vision of the team,” he explains, “but working from the bottom up: I want to see where the team is, what they want to become, and then support them to be the best they can be.”

In a world where goals are often overrated, Mark’s focus lies on the journey rather than the destination. With Monkeytoe, he sees an opportunity to build something remarkable—a team driven by passion, innovation, and a shared vision for success.

Outside of work, Mark’s adventurous spirit shines through. With a love of outdoor activities including river guiding to rock climbing, Mark finds solace in the natural wonders of Aotearoa New Zealand, which he now calls home. His love for adventure extends to his professional life, where he sees every challenge as an opportunity for growth and collaboration.

As Mark embarks on this new chapter with Monkeytoe, one thing is clear: the future looks promising under his leadership. With his blend of expertise, passion, and a touch of adventure, Mark is poised to steer Monkeytoe towards greater heights, one innovative step at a time.



A blueprint for success

If you’ve been following us for any length of time, then you’ll know Levi Prestidge, the dynamic Manager of the Wholesale & Resellers Division here at Monkeytoe. We chatted with Levi about the future of this division – a future where efficiency and innovation converge, and where we see Monkeytoe products on (nearly) every roof.

The Wholesale & Resellers Division is a wide part of our operations. While Monkeytoe designs, supplies and installs for clients across Aotearoa New Zealand, this division is focused mostly on the supply part.

Our division is unique because we focus on simplicity, and that includes making our products a seamless addition to our clients’ offerings. This strategy isn’t just about efficiency, but also about setting the stage for global expansion. So while our bespoke design and build services suit many of our clients, it’s harder to scale – which is why we create standardised components and are working on tools to make that scalability easier, as well as ensuring that people have good access to the best solutions on the market. In that, there’s also a need to meet specific needs: here, we have a lot of earthquake loading demands; in Australia, wind loading is a priority. We recently partnered with a European company to tackle their roof-mounting challenges for a new wind energy device. Together, we developed a standardised solution that they could confidently market.


The industry is shifting, and our division is at the forefront of this change, giving others the opportunity to work with our solutions in a way that means customers have diverse options. This sort of growth is really exciting, too. It’s a big journey we’re going on, and as we’re in the early days of this division, we want to lay down the processes and blueprints for future expansion and make sure it works for everyone.


What I want people to know is that we’re here for our clients. We’re not just another supplier; we’re a partner in their success. Much of our business is built on repeat customers, and our new business comes from our proven capabilities, design excellence, and product quality. We’re developing tools such as configurators that simplify the design and quoting process, making it easier for our clients to do business. At Monkeytoe, we’re committed to helping our clients succeed, because their success is our success.


Building the Future: Toby Broomhall and Monkeytoe’s Construction Division


Toby Broomhall is the Construction Projects Division Manager, responsible for overseeing projects that fall within the remit of the construction industry. This has historically been a big part of what we’ve done here at Monkeytoe – working with builders to design lasting, intelligent access solutions – but with the new division in place, Toby and team can focus their energy on innovation and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the construction industry.

Believe it or not, but our roots are in steel fabrication – that was Tim Prestidge’s original business. That experience gave us a deep understanding of industry norms. We know what construction looks like from the inside – as well as the advantages of challenging those norms. And that spirit has followed us throughout our journey.

So while we’re the only New Zealand design-build aluminium structure manufacturer with an in-house design and engineering team, we’re also pushing further and seeing what new things we can do. We believe the best solution hasn’t been found yet, and that belief drives us every day. Our team designs our products and the extrusions we use. We have innovation at our core. So while we’ve always had access to standard extrusion ranges from local suppliers, we don’t settle for the standard when exceptional is what we need we develop an extrusion that provides both price impact and design impact That’s what really sets our Construction Division apart.

The construction sector has been through a rough patch, no doubt. We’ve seen a post-Covid bounce, but the economy has slowed down, especially towards the end of last year. Yet, we’re optimistic because we’re moving in the right direction, especially with a wider interest in large scale industrial and infrastructure projects where enduring the test of time is paramount. We’ve have offices in 5 NZ locations – with full-service quality assurance from start to finish, including chartered professional engineers to sign off on projects.

What we’re really wanting to see more of is early-stage design engagement. If we come in late to a project when steel structures are already designed this reduces the opportunity for Monkeytoe to offers a price impact through aluminium alternatives, we offer a wide range of solutions in terms of access and mounting including concept design, understand our clients’ challenges from the get-go is critical in enabling our incredible capacity to offer value engineering that will save time and money – and help with a great long-term solution that pays off now and well into the future.

At Monkeytoe, we’re more than just an aluminium supplier; we’re experts who can help innovate and develop cost-effective construction solutions.





Bridges: Spanning New Horizons in Infrastructure with Reuben Prestidge


While our three divisions are deeply interconnected, Bridges has a clear and unique focus. So, we wanted to hear from Reuben Prestidge, who heads up the Bridges Division at Monkeytoe, working out how we can best build bridges – literally and figuratively – for a stronger Aotearoa New Zealand.

Recent events like Cyclone Gabrielle have highlighted the need for resilient infrastructure. After it overloaded streams and rivers, and washed out lots of old steel and timber bridges, our country was also given an opportunity to rebuild. And as we rebuild, we have the chance to set ourselves up for the future. At the same time, the new government’s funding shifts have affected planned projects like pedestrian bridges and cycleways, which impacts how people plan on getting around. The budgets have to go twice as far. And people want easy.

We’re doing what we can with our bridges. Our Division is about those spanning access solutions – on public accessways, on farms, and increasingly into exciting new places – that mean people can get around. And with councils eager to promote their cities and see some of those projects through, we’re very keen to be involved.

One Monkeytoe advantage is that we offer standardised parts that save serious money, allowing councils – and any clients, really – to proceed with their plans despite budget cuts.

Our focus on aluminium bridges is a game-changer in New Zealand, though it’s a well-trodden path globally. There’s some apprehension, since it’s an underexplored material here. People know timber and steel, but aren’t so sure about aluminium. So when it comes to bridges, we find ourselves doing a lot of education, supported by our extensive testing and research to ensure durability and sustainability: we’re not just introducing a new product, but also standardising it to simplify the process, reduce costs, and provide Kiwi made solutions for our market.

Our clients are won over by the durability and maintenance-free nature of our bridges. They’re lighter, which means less need for heavy foundations, and they’re a sustainable, recyclable solution that encourages exploration of the beautiful New Zealand landscape. We’ve got great decorative elements too, like timber-look decking and patterned perforated sheets, that can really make a bridge stand out and look great. Plus contractors appreciate the modular design of our bridges: they can quickly assemble them with a light crane, making the process faster and more cost-effective. Compared to traditional steel, our aluminium lattice-truss bridges are lightweight, mobile, and marine-grade, making them just as suitable for a farmer as they are for a cycling bridge – and more.

All of this makes our bridges an excellent option. But there has to be a push for it, too. Monkeytoe may not be synonymous with bridges yet, but we’re on a journey to change that. We’re exploring new territories and partnering with industry experts to learn and grow. Our small but dedicated team is committed to innovation and finding better ways to serve New Zealand’s infrastructure needs – getting bigger, and going further, than ever before.

So, watch this space. Monkeytoe Bridges is not just about connecting places; it’s about connecting people to a vision of a more accessible, sustainable, and beautifully connected New Zealand. We’re just getting started, and the road ahead is full of possibilities.