Explore our Newsletters as we discuss how we're exceeding expectations, pushing boundaries, and delivering exceptional Aluminium structures across the country.
Portal VS Purlin: When to Consider a Custom Design Solution
Below are a few useful points on when you should consider a custom design solution. Across all Monkeytoe solutions, including our portal/rafter and purlin mounts, we offer a custom design process that encompasses everything from consultation to installation. Sometimes we’re talking to architects about how to maximise space with lighter, stronger solutions like the XBEAM;...
Portal VS Purlin: 7 Considerations for Purlin Mounts
Below are 7 considerations when considering a purlin mounting system. Purlin mounting relies on structural support This will be no surprise. When architects and engineers come together to discuss the loading on a roof and the placement of a platform or mount, there is often the need to boost the number of purlins in specific...
Portal VS Purlin: 7 Considerations for Portal / Rafter Mounts
Below are 7 considerations when considering a portal / rafter mounting system. It’s all about structural stability To mount to the portal/rafter structure is to take advantage of a building’s inherent stability – without adding additional weight to the roof itself, or additional rigid support structures taking up precious floor space. It’s a fast fix...
This month at Monkeytoe April 2021
A note from Budd Hi everyone, It’s been a busy month here at Monkeytoe. Both sides of the Tasman are going full tilt, which means we’re seeing our solutions flying out the door (and could mean you’ll find a Golden Ticket in your hands – read on for more of that!). In our industry, the...
This month at Monkeytoe March 2021
A note from Budd Hi everyone, March has been flat-tack for us here at Monkeytoe – and I don’t reckon we’re alone in saying that! Let’s talk about innovation. Cast your minds back to 2017, if you will. SpaceX conducted the first reflight of an orbital class rocket, ushering in a new space age; the...
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